Games for your mind

Rubik 360 puzzle game: the cube brain teaser becomes a sphere

Posted on: November 19, 2009

New Rubik 360

New Rubik 360 puzzle game

Thirty years ago, a Hungarian professor named Erno Rubik invented one of the most famous brain teaser of the world: the Rubik cube. Last February was released the successor of the popular cubic puzzle game: it’s called Rubik 360 and it is a Sphere!

The mythical Rubik Cube became a symbol of the 80s with millions of puzzles sold worldwide (one of the best-selling toy in history) and millions of hardcore players challenging themselves in leagues and tournaments.
One sphere, six balls and only one possible solution make the new Rubik puzzle game quite different from its cubic father.
So The Hungarian architect Erno Rubik tried to tease again millions of people with this apparently innocuous spherical puzzle game, trying to repeat the success of his previous brain teaser.
The Rubik 360 is a sphere within a sphere within a sphere, really simple to play but very difficult to solve.
The object of the game is to get the small coloured balls from within the central sphere into the matching colour holes of the external sphere (it’s easy to say, but less easy to do).

In fact the Rubik cube brain teaser is quite harder to solve and it’s more a visual logic skill game, instead, the new 360 puzzle game it’s more related to manual ability and coordination.

I don’t know if this new brain teaser puzzle will replicate the success of the Rubik Cube, but it’s now clear that this new spherical puzzle game already become, for all Rubik cube fans, another addictive and challenging brain teaser.

Challenge your mind and if you want know better how the new Rubik sphere works, take a look at this video and find out how the solution to the puzzle in few moves .

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Curiosities and facts around the Rubik Cube

– Rubik Cube has 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 possible combinations, but only one solution.

– In the world have been sold over 350,000,000 Rubik cubes

– the Cube was invented in 1974, but only in 1980 arrived in the rest of Europe

– There are more than 40.000 YouTube videos about the Rubik cube

– The first world championship ‘Speed-cubing’ was held in Hungary in 1982 and was won by Minh Thai, an American student, who solved the puzzle in 22.95 seconds

– The current world champion of ‘Speed – cubing’ is Eric Akkersdijk; record: 7:08 seconds.

– Other disciplines include solving the cube blindfolded, with one hand, with feet and underwater

1 Response to "Rubik 360 puzzle game: the cube brain teaser becomes a sphere"

what a great post this is. Might just go out and grab a sphere. BTW I too just wrote an article on the Rubik’s Cube. Please check it out at

I also mentioned your article on my post. Let me know your thoughts.

take care


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