Games for your mind

Clever Games

Game is a fundamental aspect of our life and playing dynamics related, deeply contribute to shape our personality during all the principals and complex period of our life.
From childhood, to teenage, all educators, pedagogues and sociology scientists agree on the importance of games and playing activities to shape and build our personality. It is through playing that we learn all the basics operation of our society.

Digital revolution deeply changed the way we play, and web 2.0 is pointing in an ever more exaltation of the recreational aspect of web surfing, with quiz, role games, video games and applications.

Social networks due a part of their success to games.

However, the spirit and the importance of old fashion games and playing activities is still well preserved in traditional games such as board games, chess, party games, quiz games, family games, etc.

This blog would like to explore all the importance of playing dynamics, focusing on the new tendencies and the hottest releases of board games, role games, brain teasers, quiz games, maths games and party games that still, in the digital era, are one of the best way to improve our abilities and learn while playing.

1) Clever Games and recreational activities to foster child’s creativity

Clever games for kids

Clever games for kids

Clever games and recreational activities are the best way to let the child free to express his creativity. Gaming is an essential and functional childhood experience, to are report and answer different needs during different and crucial stages of the child’s life.

The value of educational games plays many different functions and is a way for the child to feel joy and gratification every time he can coordinate effectively his mobility, perception, emotions, socialization and language.
Games and the main manifestation of play, is also connected to the serenity of the child, his psychological and physical health, as well as the maturation of inner attitudes essential to life, such as team work, goal orientation and mind challenge
play games is something like a innate instinct for the child and recreational activities are fundamental for a cognitive development and a proactive approach to their life;

Playing clever games, sports, and other recreational activities have the following positive influence on children:

Games and recreational activities help kids to explore their emotional-affective sphere and personality. During games and recreational activities children start confront themselves with the basic human emotional structure (for example, in representation, in gestures, in the role-play, etc..);

Playing games the child confronts himself with others (communication and socialization function of the game); the ability to play with other means to enter into communication with them, avoiding an excessive self-centered behavior;
– Clever games are used by the children also as a knowledge tool, to interpret, discover the unknown and to relate themselves to things and values of our world (cognitive function of the game);

Clever games help the child to transform and reinvent his personal experience (creative function of the game) and to make a synthesis of the knowledge expressed in all the languages available to him (eg.: Verbal expression, movement, drama, design, plastic activities / manipulative).

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